We've MOVED!!

I've changed our blog to a new one, and opened gnoming to more than just Gregory!! You can find us by clicking HERE.
~The Gnomer

Gnome Sightings

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


He's sitting on Arthur Drive near the 22nd street end! I passed the other day! I'm so excited EVERY TIME I find him! Thanks to everyone who is keeping Gregory safe, and on the move every week! You guys are the BEST.

Friday, August 31, 2007

It's been a while!

I didn't know for a while where Greg had gotten to, but I was walking about yesterday, and I SPOTTED HIM! He's still circulating, and I m adding a dot to the map!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

He's getting ready to move!

Gregory tells me that he was happy and well cared for at his last home. He said that the birds were polite, and that the cats were friendly as well. Seems even the dog was good to him. More on his newest destination soon!